Ivor performs “Piles of Trouble”

Here is Ivor with an impromptu performance at a swish elegant Norfolk nightspot. He’s attempting “Piles Of Trouble” and is assisted by Spike, of The Hedge Monkeys Skiffle Troupe. You can hear The Hedge Monkeys on Ivor’s latest Boxed set (available HERE) and he also appears on a couple of their CDs.

If your browser doesn’t support the video below then watch it on you tube https://youtu.be/DekY887Iw5k

more scraps

More from Ivor’s scrapbook. There’s the big reveal of Ivor’s identity in the News Of The World and an advert for his debut album (which is, of course, included in the new box set, The Compleat Works of Ivor Biggun)

£3.20 in 1978!! And now it’s not much more in 2021 where 5 CD’s cost £20

Happy release day

The Compleat Works of Ivor Biggun is officially released today. That means the final two albums are available for streaming. As the title says, Something Old, Something New, Something Borrowed, Mostly Blue is a compilation of recent recordings and some old tracks (with a ‘borrowed’ sleeve) while Handling Swollen Goods has upgraded audio.
This also means the CD set is available from Amazon UK though it’s more expensive than on this site as they take a hefty amount in commission (and undercharge the real cost of shipping). Overseas orders are only available from this site.

Partners In Grime

Continuing the release of the original albums on streaming services, we’re pleased to announce it’s the (re)turn of Partners In Grime.
In other news the albums are also available on Bandcamp.
Sales of The Compleat Works of Ivor Biggun are going well (there’s life in the old tosser yet) and it’s exclusively available (UK only) from this site for £20 including the £3.20 postage

UPDATE: There are now links in the SHOP – Ivor Biggun page to worldwide purchase